Mrs. Elizabeth P. Farrington

Because of the great importance that we place on the con-

tinuation of these studies, we endorse Dr. Conard's proposal;
and the AEC is prepared to provide approximately $16,000 for
this purpose.

We assume that, if approved, the funds would be

made available by transfer to the Trust Territory for appropriate
distribution tc the individuals concerned.
In this regard, to preclude the possibility that a payment
received by a Utirik might be deemed to constitute an acknowledgement by the Government that a compensatory claim for radiation
had occurred, we request the opportunity to review any proposed
voucher or receivt form to be used.
We are uncertain as to how to proceed further at this point
and would appreciate your advice and guidance in this matter.

John R. Totter, Director

Division of Biology and Medicine

Mr. Edward Johnston
High Commissioner
Trust Territories of the
Pacific Islands

Saipan, Mariana Islands


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