Office of the Legislative Counsel
Gongress of Mirronesta
Gapitol Hill, Saipan

Phone 971

Mariana Islands istrict I6950


June 12, 1974
Dr. Sydney Marks
Biomedical Program
Division of Biomedical and
Environmental Research
Atomic Energy Commission
Washington, D, C.
Dear Dr. Marks:

On behalf of the Special Joint Committee Concerning Rongelap and Utirik
Atolls of the Congress of Micronesia, I would like to extend my thanks
for the opportunity to meet with you and other staff members of the
Atomic Energy Commission to discuss our concerns regarding the people
of Utirik and Rongelap.
Senator Kendall and Representative Sigrah have also asked me to extend
their appreciation for the chance to attend this meeting and to meet
with you.
You can be sure that I will brief members of the Special Joint Committee
regarding our discussions.
We will also appreciate receiving from you a
copy of the draft agreement with a covering letter as you mentioned.
LT am certain that all of us look forward to an early and satisfactory
solution of the problems we discussed to the satisfaction of all
parties involved.

Special Joint Committee Concerning

Rongelap and Utirik Atolls

Congress of Micronesia
Senator Olympio T. Borja
Representative Ataji Balos
Representative Timothy Olkeriil
Legislative Counsel K. Udi




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