
The possible marketing of copra produced on the atoll needs
to be evaluated in an "As Low as Practicable" context prior
to decision making in order to determine if the economic

benefits to the Enewetakese outweigh the radiological cost
of the population dose delivered to off-island populations.
The total quantity of plutonium and strontium radionuclides
estimated to be present in lagoon sediments are somewhat
greater than are present on the islands of the atoll.

Apparently, the majority of the contamination is in the
northwest portion of the lagoon.
The Draft EIS does not
discuss the short and long range implications of this
source, nor does it indicate whether any consideration was
given to the feasibility of minimizing the future radiation
dose that will be obtained from the seafood pathway.
There is no discussion of the decision to permit fishing in

all of the lagoon.
Apparently, this recommendation came
from the conclusion on page II-43 that there was "no statis-

tically significant difference for dose estimation purposes
between samples taken in @gifferent parts of the lagoon."
The data depicted in Figures 160-161 suggests that 137Cs,
90Sr, 239Pu concentrations in convict sturgeon may be somewhat higher near Belle and Irene, where bottom sediment
concentrations are also highest.
The recommendation to ban coconut crab collection in the

Northern Islands is perhaps
but was reached without actually sampling any crabs in that part of the atoll.

Also, the possibility of this restriction being observed is
uncertain because it is a delicacy, in short supply, and the
islands. would be open for picnicing and fishing.
Clean-Up Operation
We have no specific comments to make about this phase except

to note that there will be significant possibilities for
inhalation exposures to workers and transport of radioactive
material from greater to lesser contaminated portions of the

Constant health physics

support will

be needed.

Select target paragraph3