





The following M-boat transportation and supplies will be required:

One trip to Enjebi on November 30 or a few days prior to
transport the LLL water tank truck with a full load of
water, diesel fuel tanker to fill the 500 gal., tank and
200 gals., of gasoline in drums.


Two trips to Enjebi on December 1 and December 2 (one trip/
day) to transport the following LLL equipment:

Backhoe (Track vehicle)

2 - Dump trucks

3 - 4x 4 1-1/4 Ton trucks

Food supplies for seven people for two weeks
If the above equipment cannot be hauled on two trips a third
trip will be reguirec.

An additional M-boat trip may be required at some point during
tne two weeks for re-suppiy of food, fuel, or water.

As you are aware nearly all of the DOE/LLL equipment has been used in
general support of the Clean-Up Project.
It is requested that the above
disted eguipment be checked out, and repaired if necessary, so thét it is
Also we understand the LLL "mules" were
in good operating condition.
used and must be repaired.

The above support reguirements were discussed with you by Jim Milier
and Harry Brown during their recent trip to Enewetak.
It is our
unaerstanding that the above support can be provided; however, we do
appreciate the boat

transportation situation at Enewetak.

We realize

that due, to weather conditions or serious mechanical problems it may
not be possible to furnish the boat transportation at exactly the times

We do wish to emphasize, however,

that the LLL personnel

are limited on the length of time they can spend at Enewetak and any
delay in boat transportation will have a serious impact on accomplishing
their program objectives,
An entry clearance request message has been submitted providing the names
and other pertinent information on the LLL personnel.
Also, as mentioned
above a detailed operations plan will be issued.
Your continued support
for this DOE/LLL project is very much appreciated.

Original Signed By

W.J. Stanley


ce: Roger Ray, AM/E&S/NV
W. Robison, LLL

D.J. Brush, GM/H&N/PTD
L. Leens, RM/H&N/Enewetak

JAM: jhf

DOE Site Mgt. Rep., Enewetak

Select target paragraph3