

~2.* Another question we would like to raise is that
. of eligibility. We are aware that some unexposed
Rongelapese end Utirikese have developed thyroid

abnormalities, or have had operations.
How would you be
prepared to testify on this question?
Does current
evidence end information allow you to differentiate

between those abnormalities which are directly caused by

exposure and those which possibly are "normal" develop-

ments? Can you supvort the assimption that some cases
were not caused by exposure by indicating that they could
not have resulted from exposure to low levels of residual

radiation in the environment and food chain?

* Other questions which may be raised are:


about compensetion for those two cases who experienced
retarded growth, and should compensation be considered
for those women who experienced what appeared to be an
unusually high rate c* miscarriages two to three years
after exposure?

* We are certain that you will be asked to coment
upon the connection between 3 |_|
s death from

leukemia, and-his exposure.
Do you feel that there is
sufficient evidence to support this connection, or in
the absence of sufficient medical data, that the probability in terms of statistics is very great that there
was a direct connection?

® Related to the above, what are your best estimates

of the likelihood of encountering additional thyroid or
leukemia cases in the future, as well as any new developments which are directly exposure-related?

* It has been recently indicated that survey results
of Bikini have resulted in a reevaluation and reconsidera-

tion of safe exposure levels there, and that the Bikinians

may not be able to return as planned. -In light of this
recent development, is there any need to reevaluate

scientifically the criteria which led to the decision to
return the Rongelepese to their island?

These are just some of the ouestions which come to nind
at this time.
We present them for your consideration
with a view to cooperating end coordinating any presenta-—
tion before the U.S. Congress and between the Congress
of Micronesia, the Department of the Interior, and
In sum, we believe that it would be rost
effective if el) perties involved were in agreement on
certain besic issues when submitting testimony before
U.S. Congress.


Select target paragraph3