rival in Marchit was gratifying that most of the

people had put their money into savings accounts.

The Utirik people seemed quite disappointed in
not receiving any monetary compensation for their
fallout exposure. In a lengthy meeting held with
them on arrival of the team, the reason for this —

the lack of radiation effects - was carefully ex-

plained, andit is believed they accepted the situa-

tion in good grace, judging by their cooperation in
the examinations and cordiality to the medical



Table 3 shows the populations examined in

1965 and 1966. Table 4 showsthe location of the
populations under study, and Table 5 shows the
percent distribution of the Rongelap population



by age and sex.

During the past 2 years the Rongelap people
have been generally in good health, and their
nutritional status appears to have been satisfac-

tory. An epidemic, believed to have been Asiatic
influenza, with acute upper respiratory manifesta-

tions occurred in about half the population in the
spring of 1964. Anotherinfluenza-like epidemicof
similar proportions occurred in 1965. An outbreak

of diarrhea, cause unknown, involved a large seg-

ment of the population during January and February 1965. About 15 cases of chicken pox occurred in the spring of 1965. On Ebeye Island,
where about 100 Rongelap people live, an outbreak of conjunctivitis occurred during the year,
but this respondedto topical antibiotic treatment.
Four children with varying degrees of paralysis,

following a poliomyelitis epedimic in 1963, were

Figure 5. Rongelapgirl with toys
following annual party, 1966.

Table 3

Numbers of People Examined
During the 11- and 12-Year Surveys

treated and fitted with braces at Majuro. Surgery

was performed on four cataract cases and onefis-

tula in ano. There were 3 deaths in the exposed
group and 3 in the unexposed people (see below).


The most outstandingfinding since the previous
report has been the increasing numberofcases of
thyroid nodules. By July of 1966, 11 cases had
been operated upon, the first 3 in 1964 at the

Naval Hospital in Guam. The last 8 cases were
brought to the Medical Research Center at Brookhaven National Laboratoryfor extensive studies

Rongelap and Ailingnae exposed — adults
(age > 19)
Rongelap and Ailingnae exposed - children
(age 11 or 12 to 19)
Rongelap unexposed -— adults (age >19)
Rongelap unexposed - children (age 19)
Children born to exposed parent(s)
(age 11)
Utirik exposed - aduits (age > 19)
Utirik exposed - children (age 12 to 19)









Select target paragraph3