

(CEP, device, weather} was attended Ly “r. “cCraw and «ayself.
The information given to the CEP at the Panel's final meeting
before execution of the test, was presented to tno Tese

Manager's Panel and the Scientific Advisor.

It was ascertained

that all conditions for assignment of Category I by tne Panel
had been met, that there was no deviation and that the test

was ready..
The Device Review was given.

This information had been given to

the CEP but was not part cf the Pre-test CEP review.
no problens.

There were

Curing the weather briefing, i.c., pradictions of weather con-

ditions on NTS at event time, it was indicated that tne Gate
20) would be closed at H+7 hours and only evont-retatad ocreennel

would be authorized in tne forward area.

This action was slightly

different from earlier plans because the direccticn and speed of
the winas were sucn that if tere was a PIhe-like vintira 2

Jarqe oortion of tre NTS woule be cortaminated.

The roperting

tire for all work personnel was estarlisned for O:90 a.m.,and

tne test tine was 6:30 a.m.
Tne test was normal and no untoward problems were apparent.

Select target paragraph3