

There are other problems in connection with the Antimony.
For example, the Mississippi Rad-Health Officers were briefed,
and coe analycical data was requested.

“Some of the cabris is


There are several (as many as ten or more) law suits or

complaints being investigated that could result in law suits
alleging that radiation was the cause of their health problem.
Tre Radiological Support Division is consultant to the legal
counsel in each instance.


The function for appraisal of Contractors invoived jn the

use of radiation sources and similar activities (REECo, H&N,

Eberline, ana otners), was removed from the Radiological
Operations Itvision and assigned to the Office of Safetv
approximately, 1 1/2 years ago.

This function nas been

recently (about 3 weeks ago) returned to Radiological Operations Division.

Also Waste Management has been returned te

Rad. ops. Div.
The meeting with ir. Hendricks was completed at the

Tuesday morning when Mr. McCraw, “r. Vallario,

TS on

Mr. Bootman (iV),

Mr. Hendricks and I visited locations on tne N7iS of interest to

The details of observations made during tiiis period will be
presented in the appraisal report on NY oy Mr. Vallario.


Select target paragraph3