JULY 19,-24, 1971

Monday, July 19th, 1971.

A Conference was held with Mr. Donald Vendricks, Director,
Radiological Crerations Division, NV, and attended by Mr.
T. F. McCraw, OS, Ho..

Items of interest to all concerned

were discussed.

Isotopes Incorporated-Westwood, New Jersey, is an ARPA

Contractor that is investigating the gereral Lackground level

for krepton, xenon, tritun {tritiatec water) tritiated methane.
Santlas collected at 5Cf% cc/rinute until 2.£ cubic meters are

Stations have been establisned in Las Vegas (for

establishing backaround for the area) in Mercury and at 8 JY

(Mid Test Site).

No results of analyses were available.

A site selection team to Enivetck for Micro Atoll Experiment

(HE, DOD) was accompanied by Mr. Lynch, tIV, and Mr. Costa, WERL,
so as to collect samples and monitor the environment.

A separate

report is being submitted to cover this portion of the conference.

The Radiological Support Division furnishes a Radiclogical

Consultant for all major activities involving radfation and/or

radioactive contamination.

These include:

One man at NTS, full time.

one week periods.

This assignment rotates for

All health physics staff participate except

Mr. Hendricks and Mr. Whitman.

Select target paragraph3