Dr. James L. .Liverman


April 25, 1974

The number of children of Rongelap exposed people is already up to
150 or more. We do not have a listing of children of Utirik exposed
people but based on the relative population size as compared with Rongelap
this may be as many as 300 or more.’ This would give us a total of 450

children of exposed at present ~ not a "very small number" as Senator Borja


Furthermore, this number is increasing steadily.

If this number of children were added to the regular examination list

it would increase the time and scope of the survey particularly if unexposed

"control" children were added to the list as some might argue it should be

done in this case. Also, it should be remembered that the time of the
specialist-physicians on our survey is necessarily limited.

One might argue that future generations are also susceptible to genetic
affects and should be included. This would result in thousands of additional
children in a few years,
I foresee trouble even with the establishment of our "hard core" control
population of 150 Rongelap people. Already people are wanting to be added
to that list to receive the benefits. If the children of exposed are added
there will probably be further discontent since the parents of unexposed
children would want the same benefits for their children.
I believe that we should state that if any children of exposed parents
show any genetically inherited radiation-induced abnormality they will be

Perhaps in order to be completely unbiased in this decision we should

get the opinions of several well-known human geneticists. If I can be of

any further help please let me know.




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Robert A. Conard, M.D.

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