AOL7 92






United States Department of the Interior


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Ruth C.


Assistant Secretary for Environment
Department of Energy
Washington, D.C. 20545
Dear Mrs.

JUN € 6 18/9


You wilt recall that at the May 16, 1979, meeting on radiological
problems in the Northern Marshalls, Mr. Anton DeBrum, Foreign Secretary,
Government of the Marshall Islands, raised the question of a medical survey
of the people of Likiep Atoll to determine if they are, as he maintained,
suffering from an unusually high rate of thyroid and related throat problems.
At the meeting, both you and I stated that our two departments would discuss
this matter.
Mr. DeBrum contacted my office on this matter several times during the
ensuing weeks before his departure this past weekend. He was assured that
our two departments were conferring on the matter but that we were waiting
for Dr. Hugh Pratt to return to the United States from the Jatest RongelapUtirik survey, in order that his knowledge and advice also could be obtained.
At mid-day, Friday, June 15, Mr. Richard Copaken, Legal Advisor to the
Marshall Tstands Political Status Commission, phoned on behalf of Mr. DeBrum

and asked if we could deliver a reply in writing by the clase of business
Friday to Mr. DeBrum since Mr. DeBrum was departing Washington the next day
and did not believe that he could return to the Marshalis without some
official word from us.
Mr. deYoung of my staff was able to discuss this request very briefly

on Friday afternoon with Or. Bruce Wachholz and Dr. Walter Weyzen.
We then
prepared a letter to Mr. DeBrum, and it was delivered to him late that

afternoon. The letter stated that our two departments were conferring on
the matter and while neither could give a definite reply as of June 15 as to
the exact time of a possible medical survey on the makeup of a medical team,
both organizations would move forward as promptly and expeditiously as
possible on this matter.
I enclose a copy of the June 15, 1979, letter to
Mr. DeBrum for your information.
I believe it is essential that we move forward as quickly as possible
now on this matter and I look forward to your comments.
Sincerely yours,
Mrs. Ruth G. Van Cleve

Office of Territorial Affairs

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CC: |Dr. Walter H. Weyzen

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