It is expected that the first air lift (for those prefering to go by air) will be on the 18th of June, plus or minus two

days. This will allow a week for rehearsals and last minute indoctrinetion et Bikini and return by eir July 27th, plus or minus

two days.

The eir lift for the second test will occur on July 23rd,

plus or minus two dsys; end the second return air lift will occur

on September lst, plus or minus two days.

These return schedules

will be earlier than indicated if the tests go off earlier than the
last detes indicated. If the first test does not come off by July
20th beceuse of bad weether, it will be cancelled and the second
test may occur two weeks after date of cencelletion, weether permitting, end not leter than August 25th. If this should occur,
those whose schedules demend it, cen be returned on July 27th, plus

or minus two deys, without their heving to wait until the second
test is performed.

Transnortation by ship cen be obtained leeving Bikini

around September 1 - 15, to arrive in San Francisco ten to trelve
days leter.

Your participetion es e monitor is urgently needed, It
is hoped thet you can rearrange your »lens to reet some pert of
the above schedule; particulerly, that concerning the first test.
Can I count on you for one or both tests?
Very truly vours,

Welford Pe Namen


Col, NC
Chief, Kadiological Safety Section



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