be made.

Table 4 summarizes the fallout pattern characteristics froz.

the Bikini tests.

The last column in most cases indicates that the

wind directions precluded fallout on the islands.

tions are Bravo and Yankee.
were in fact made.

The definite excep-

For Bravo and Yankee, off-site measurenents

None cf the Enewetak shots resulted in fallout or

Bikini or other islands to the east, so the test operations in Table ]
carn be ignored.

’ Figure 2 shows the Marshall Islands relative to the test loce-

_ tions. The Bravo fallout pattern has been reconstructed independently
by AFSWP, NRDL and RAND using some modelling, while the Yankee pettern
¥s based on extensive surveys.

_ Yslands are given in Table 5.

The one-hour dose rates for affected

All of the listed islands are outside

the lowest dose-rate (109R/HR} contour for Yankee (Rongelap is just
berely); the levels are stated only to the nearest decade since
extrapolation had to be used.

The range of values for Rongelap anc

Rongerik is due te the variation of the Bravo pattern across the
. respective island.

By and large, Bravo is the predominant contributor.

Table 6 provides 1977 estimates of the csi3? dose rate for

' these fslands.

On the basis of the limited comparison performed for

, the Enewetak case, these values could be reduced by a factor of about
: 6 to account for soil migration, provided the geology is similar to thet


: for Enewetak.


The final part of this paper is devoted to identifying with
" high-confidence which {slands did not receive fallout from the Bikini

“tests. Table &, as discussed above, indicates that only Bravo and
_ Yankee definitely resulted in fallout on the islands; this fs based
“on the use of off-site measurements to reconstruct their respective
fallout patterns.

The other shots in the Castle operation, for which

there were no off-site measurements, apparently were not a problem.
However, a detailed investigation is warranted and is reported on in

the appendix.

Also contained there is an extrapolation of the Bravo

_and Yankee patterns to a level consistent with background.


Select target paragraph3