The Bravo and Yankee shots, as previously discussed, both deposited
fallout on the islands east of Bikini.

In both cases, the lowest

reported contour level was not low enough to circumscribe the tote)
fallout deposition.

Extrapolation was used to define the 0.] R/HR (H+])

contour; this level was chosen because it results in an exposure the

first year of about 200 mrem,which fs about the annual background dose.
Shown in Figure 2 is the southern periphery of the Bravo and Yankee
patterns relative to the location of the islands.


The other Castle shots are Romeo, Koon and Union; off-site

fallout measurements are not available so that their respective wind
profiles have to be examined.

The Romeo winds at H+3 and H+9 (DASA 1251) were not measured
above 67,000 ft. Below this altitude the dominant direction of the
- profile is to the north; while not measured for the test, the higher
altitude winds are uniformly to the west.

Thus it is safe to state

that the Romeo fallout did not reach any of the off-site Marshall Islands.
Shot Koon winds were documented for all levels of interest.
Except for near-surface, no winds had a northerly component that would
have carried any fallout to the south and east.

It can be stated with

high confidence that Koon fallout carried to the north and east, and
did not reach any of the Marshall Islands.


Shot Union presented a rather unique wind problem.



the lower altitude winds were from the east, strong northerly and

westerly components existed from 12,000 to 50,000 feet. The influence
of the winds {s not readily apparent without further examination.
Therefore a crude reconstruction of the fallout pattern was performed
by determining the displacement of 50, 100 and 200: particles which
are initially assumed to be et cloud top and at cloud bottom.


permits the construction of an envelope of all such particles fn the


Select target paragraph3