


But all of these weapons,

as far as thcir state of development

is concerned, were about on a pare They were the wartime weapon ~ designed under extrome pressure and without regard for many
problems which in the long run are of great importance in the
military application of atomic energy.
In its January Report to Congress, the Atomic Energy
Commission said its goal in the ficld of weapon development was
the scientific and cngincering perfection of Improved designs, and
that thorough testing of:weapons and componcnts is necessary to
improved dcsign.
In any program of developing and producing weapons,

for proof testing,

or for conducting full scale

the need



natural and obvicus. Failure to test new dcvelopments would soon
throttle the design of improved weapons,
America's preeminence
in the ficld of atomic weapons is not a static thing, it depends
upon achicvement ~- - day to day, year to year, and test to test


\ Nate






to corr-enondents:
If Captain Russell is to be quoted,
please use remarks as contained in this statement.)

Select target paragraph3