The ovcrell strenath vl the Joint Saelp
Tock 7
Pores was cpproximately
9,800 including civilicn personne?

Observers of the tests were Llinitcd in the cxtrere,
sinec it
was the vicw of all agencics thant wnly those who had sectuan
for the lkmowlcdge shuld attend.
nose “bscrvers incluc
of the Joint Cangressionel Gam
3¢ for Atomic Energy an
AEs and the arme C
‘ther sbservers were
staff, the ARC

T> surt up,


from the


cf the tests themsclves,


Operstion wes ane.of grent profit te the armed Forecs.
training in joint .pcerations was gaincd--treining almest impzselibic

toa get in peoaectime, and generally, sll t:9o limited t> moet members
of the militery services.
Such exnericnce is invelushlie in f-sterin

integreticn within the Services,

So much for the general pletur


the Test Dircotor,

toa make a fow promorks.

I'm now going ta isk et Shara

and Dr .tronen, the

Selontifiec Directar,

I know you yl be interceted in what they

say as, aftcr all, althsush ticse tests
weap ns, the teste were ernduatcd by the

were tects of military
Scicntirie Groun hended

You reslize,

info rmnti-~n

by Dr. Froman.
After they have Piniered, we will endecvor to answer
such questions OS You any have in ming Inoofoar as we
ean do sa.
oP eourse,

tharh muck

of tre




eatemory xP classified asts under the atomic Enere-y Act ond the
Bspirnege Act end none of us is st liberty t answer cuesticns
perteinine to the techniscl ssplote of the test cr their results.
Geoncral Kepner of the Air Porecs and sdrirnal Yersons :f the
Navy, both of whom were Deputics to the Commisndcr of
Joint Task
Meree Seven arg els. here today.
As steted carlicr, General xAcprer
was also in command of the Air Sorecs participating.
It may be

you will wish to aucstion them.

Ihave had copies 2f these nites Pron which I spcke made and
yor are weleome to # copy If you acsire
Poyouu wish to quate
any of ny remarks, I suggest you quote them from the nates.

are written vut toe such on cxtent that this can be donc.
I stand
behind eny custation thet you oussy wish to: make from the notes, and
you are


9t liberty ta uss

Iosm now zcing to

De-ector Fromen.


orn part of them in

turn this diseussion

such menncr.

xver to Cartsin Russcil

Select target paragraph3