exposure of children less than 10 years of age, and upon data available
through 1979. A central value of 4.0 cancers per million person-rad-years at
risk was reported, but after review of their report, we modified the estimate
to 4.9 cancers per million person-rad-years at risk. Our result, based on
this modification, is discussed in the text and is noted in Table 7. The
adjustment was based on weighting the risk coefficient from each study according to the number of excess cancers observed; that is, we gave more weight to
cancer risk coefficients developed from studies reporting the greatest number
of cancers. The BEIR risk coefficient was based on a minimum latent period of
10 years and on studies involving only external irradiation of the thyroid.
Risk coefficients for external and internal radiation were given in NCRP

Report 80 (2), and these coefficients were estimated for a five-year legent
pgyiod- Report 80 indicated the external risk coefficient applied to
I and
I intake, but not for
I exposure. The two short-lived isotopes of
iodine were assumed to have the same effectiveness as x rays, because of the
fairly uniform distribution of dose, and because of the comparatively higher
dose rates (2).
In our analyses, we used risk coefficients for external
exposure computed for 5- and lO-year latent periods derived from the following

reports. We used external risk coefficients from NCRP Report 80 because they
were based on a five~year latent period, and these appear in the results section along with the coefficients developed by the Working Group, which were

based on a ten-year latent period.

Risk coefficient estimates, made here, were based on the total external

and internal thyroid dose, the total number of cancers, the risk value published for external irradiation of the thyroid, and the partitioning of
external and internal dose as follows
AB+CD# (A+ CE,


A = the person-rad to all thyroids from radioisotopes of iodine,

B = the risk coefficient for internal exposure of the thyroid from
radioisotopes of iodine, cancers per person-rad-years at risk,

C = the person-rad to all thyroids from external gamma radiation,
D = the risk coefficient from external exposure of the thyroid, for exam
ple, 1.0x10
cancers per person-rad-years at gisk for adults, or in

the case of children <10 years of age, 4.9x10°°

rad-years at risk, and

cancers per person-

E = the risk coefficient determined from the observed health effects,


total thyroid dose, and the spontaneous rates of thyroid disease in
the Marshall Islands subjects.

The value of E was computed from Eq.

(2-1) given in NCRP Report 80 (2).

Computations of B and E were for latent periods of both 5 and 10 years,

since the length of latent period affects the years at risk and the risk
coefficient. Years at risk are the period from the end of the latent period
to the time cancer is observed in a subject. The value for years at risk
strongly affected the computation of risk coefficients.

The data in the Appendix are the result of 31 years of medical and


Select target paragraph3