


Alternatives involving the removal of soil will require the grubbing,

stockpiling, and burning of existing vegetation.

In addition, the

alternatives of topping and transfer of soil to another isiand could require
destruction and burning of vegetation. Collectively actions that remove or
relocate soil and destroy vegetation will generate dust and smoke emissions.

These emissions may also contain radionuclides.
If these emissions constitute
a hazard to workers and residents of the affected islands, then emission
control measures may be required.



Alternatives involving topping or the removal of soil from Bikini Island,
and its disposal on other islands or elsewhere on Bikini Island, will result
in the loss of a relatively thick and rich soil layer of value for crop

cultivation and vegetation.

The loss of Bikini Island's existing soil horizon

would seriously impede the future recovery of some vegetation and cultivation
of some crops on the land areas denuded of soil unless organic additives,
fertilizers or other treatment measures are applied. At best, the crops would

require one to 10 years to reach maturity and support the subsistence needs of
the returning islanders. The application of untreated dredged lagoon
sediments may not accelerate, improve, or stimulate crop development because
of high salt and low nutrient concentrations.



All alternatives involving excavation, topping, transfer of soil to

another island or removal of vegetation will result in the destruction of
vegetation on the affected islands.

The impact of this can be reduced

somewhat by flagging important trees or other vegetation for transplantation
or protection prior to grubbing and excavation. The natural recovery of
vegetation and the establishment of new crops will require one to 10 years.
No proposed or existing threatened or endangered species of plants occur or
are expected to be affected by a Bikini cleanup project.
The nesting activity of seabirds at Bikini Atoll could be affected by
alternatives involving removal or relocation of soil and vegetation unless
such actions are timed or located to avoid the breeding seasons of the

seabirds. No threatened or endangered species of seabirds are thought to nest
or reside at Bikini Atoll.
Coconut crabs and other edible species of land crabs may occur naturally
on the islands of Bikini Atoll. Alternative actions involving disturbance to
soil or groundcover, especially in established coconut groves, could reduce
the available habitut for these species. Consumption of coconut crabs may

also be subject to some dietary restrictions due to bioaccumulation of unstable


Cleanup programs and involving disturbance to potential turtle nesting

beaches could adversely affect threatened and endangered species of sea
turtles through disturbance or destruction of nesting habitat. In addition,


the returning islanders would be expected to resume subsistence take of sea.
turtles as presently authorized in Federal regulations.


Select target paragraph3