A considerable amount of heavy equipment (crane, backhoe, dozer, tractor,

forklift, cherry picker, portable generators, etc.) were left out in the open
in the aftermath of the 1978 evacuation, and are now rusting unsalvageable

hulks. The approximately 40 residential structures built on Bikini Island in
the early 1970's have not been maintained since the 1978 evacuation and were
heavily damaged during subsequent storms. A major investment would be
required to restore the dwellings, if restoration is possible.

The Lawrence Livermore Laboratory personnel, however, managed to repair

some of the equipment several years ago (including the D-6 bulldozer) and it

is still in operation. The laboratory also maintains power, water, air
conditioned rooms, buildings, trucks, boats, backhoe, laboratory equipment,

etc., in support of their ongoing studies.

The sheetpile road causeways on the outer islets constructed during the
nuclear testing era have failed or have rusted beyond function in most areas

including the causeways connecting some of the southern islands (Aerokojlol,
Bikdrin). Sandy beaches have piled up against some of the causeways and are,

therefore, still functioning to an extent, especially the causeway connecting

Aomen and Lomilik Islets.

The approximately 4,000-foot long runway on Eneu

Island is in suprisingly good condition and is adequately crowned to avoid
drainage problems. The paved parking apron adjacent to the west central side
of the runway is in excellent condition and free of vegetation. This could

serve as an excellent site for a large freshwater catchment system.

As noted earlier, most of the roads on both Bikini and Eneu Istands are no
longer. maintained and are rapidly being overgrown by indigenous and exotic



A. MORE DESIRABLE PLANS. The Committee feels that alternatives involving
(1) delayed resettlement (spontaneous decay of unstable cesium), (2) chemical

treatment of soil with potassium fertilizer, and (3) excavation and disposal
of soil are the three major areas worthy of continued examination and


With regard to the first plan, the Bikinians expressed to the

Committee by a letter dated 14 August 1984 their lack of support for

alternatives that do not allow the early resettlement of Bikini Island.
latter two alternatives are described below:


This alternative involves the addition of potassium fertilizer to
contaminated soils that result in reduced or blocked uptake of unstable cesium

by food crops.

Existings groundcover would not need to be removed.

Preliminary studies indicate that the application of potassium ric
fertilizers does somewhat reduce cesium uptake by plants at moderately low
soil levels, but more systematic studies are needed prior to a final
determination on effectiveness, especially at the higher cesium levels

prevailing on Bikini Island.

(See Robison and Stone Appendix B.)


feasible, potassium treatment would have the advantage of reducing or
eliminating the need for soil excavation and possibly removal of vegetation on
the lesser contaminated islands, say those within a factor of 2 or 3 from the
liminal rooting zone specific activity. Certainly for Bikini Island it can


help to the extent of truncating the waiting period, but it would still be
inadequate as the sole strategy to allow early consumption of locally grown


Select target paragraph3