It is reasonable to assume for the very low levels of specific activity
dealt with at Bikini Atoll that plant uptake will be directly proportional to
soil concentration, and therefore, in turn, so will dietary rect and
internal dose. This is substantiated by concentration ratios (pCi/g in
plant/pCi/g in soil) developed by measuring the
Cs concentration in the
soil in the root zone of the sampled tree. The same concentration ratio was
observed on both Bikini and Eneu is lands where soil radionuclide
concentrations differ by a factor of 10
In planning for decontamination by removing top soil, the assumption is
made that plant specific activity will be directly proportional to soil

specific activity regardless of soil radionuclide concentration and soil

condition. Although, there may be little reason to doubt this assumption when
applied to one island, this report is recommending that the assumption be
tested in the course of pilot excavation trials at Bikini during the next two

Body Burden

The best way to determine the internal dose is by calculation from a
direct measurement of the body burden. When Bikini Atoll is resettled, body

burden measurements will provide the most. convincing and accurate estimates

for public health control.
Cesium-137 body burden measurements were made on Bikini settlers in 1974,
1977, 1978, 1979 and 1980. Unfortunately, practically no dietary information
accompanied them. The average body burden of cesium-137 rose quickly in
1977-78’ to about 2.4 uCi in April of 1978 when coconut production became

significant, and fell quickly to less than 10% of that value by May 1979(9)

after the settlers left the atoll in August of 1978. The maximum permissible
burden is 3 uCi, and some settlers had already exceeded it.
Theoretically, it is possible to calculate the body burden at anytime from
an exact knowledge of the daily intake of cesium-137. Conversely, knowing the
body burden, one can calculate the daily intake if a cesium steady-state in

the body is assumed.

With constant intake of !3/cs, other than for

reduction due to natural radiocactive decay, a steady state is reached in
about 1.5 years.
If people were actually consuming less local food than assumed in the
predictive model, then the predicted body burden at any time would be greater
than that which is measured. This appears to be the case at Bikini Atoll in
1978 where the average adult body burden predicted BY the model was 5.5 uli
and the average measured body burden was 2.4 uli
This is actually a
reasonable agreement because the full diet was used in the predictive model
and we know the people were not on a full Tocal diet; only coconuts were
available in limited supply but other terrestrial foods such as breadfruit and
Pandanus were unavailable.
At Rongelap and Utirik, where resettlement has been continuous since 1957
and 1954 respectively, where steady-state conditions are more likely, and
where all local food products are available if the people choose £9 use them,
the comparison between the model predictions and measurements of
burden are very good indeed. At Rong¢lap, using the MLSC adult diet developed
by LLNL, the model predictions for !3/cs body burden were 0.19 uCi assuming



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