samples was taken so that the variation of isotopic concentrations with depth might later be investigated.


Spectrometer System -

The HASL spectrometer system consists

of a4 in. x 4 in. NaI detector with preamplifier and high

voltage battery pack, a 400 channel multichannel analyzer and
parallel printer, a DC-AC converter and a 12 welt storage
The calibration cf the detector is described in
detail in previous HASL reports*®**.
In brief, the exposure
rate due to a particular isotope in the ground is inferred
from the number of counts under a spectrum tctal absorption

peak characteristic of that isotope using calibraticn factors
determined from a combination of laboratory experiments and
theoretical caicuiations.
The prominent tctal absorption peaks observed in all
the field spectra (see Figure 2 for a typical field spectrum)

were at 1.17 and 1.33 Mev {(°°co), .10 Mev (°°° Bu}, .44 Mev
(“*®sb), and .662 Mev {("*"cs).

These isotopes appeared to

be responsible for almost all of the total expcsure rate at
the spectrometer Locations.
Individual exposure rates for

*87cGs5, °°Co and *#*°Sb were inferred for each field location.

The *®° Eu exposure rate was assumed to be of minor importance
due to its very low source energy.
For those iccations
where the ionization chamber was not used or the other total
exposure data were


the spectrometric data were

analyzed to obtain total exposure directiy®.
Except for the two Eneu locations, ail spectra were
taken in ten minute runs.
During this time there was nc

appreciable gain shift due to temperature changes.

In almost

all cases we were able to obtain excellent field spectra with
only minor equipment malfunctions even though the equipment
had to be carried by hand through heavy brush, loaded and

unloaded into small boats in fairly rough surf, and operated
and stored in ambient temperatures of approximately 85 -

95°F and relative humidities of 70 - 80%.

Ionization Chamber - Our high pressure icnization chamber has

a 5.6 liter sensitive volume and is filled to a pressure of
about 700 psi with pure argon gas*.
The chamber wall is

Select target paragraph3