#88 - 12

John Herling, Editors Syndicate.

The last three -- last

weeks, three important labor conventions have been held and
they passed very vigorous resolutions attacking the White
Citizens Councils and called upon you to -- for an assemblage of Southern Governors to discuss ways and means of
implementing the Supreme Court decision on desegregation
of schools. Do you have any hopes or intentions or plans
in that direction.

THE PRESIDENT: JI have no plans at this moment. That thought
was expressed -- Oh, I don't know -- some six or seven months

We explored it thoroughly.

And the Attorney General

invited each Governor and his Attorney General in to see
him, either individually or if they wanted to, some of them
could come in together.

I am not sure that we want at any

time a conference that would exacerbate this situation.
We want to find something, some way, to make progress, and
to get the thinking of America centered on one common line, ':
if we possibly can.


the situation‘


Do you feel such a conference would exacerbate
It would depend entirely on the way it was

corrected -- how it was done, I think.
You certainly -you would have to look at the speeches that might come out
of it, just like you do an international conference.
I am
not so certain that is the way to approach it at this time.

Make no mistake, I am ready to confer with anybody on this
problem that wants to come in and see me.

But to calla

formal conference, always there must be a communique.
people insist on it.

Well, what are they going to say?


And that could be very significant.

Q. Mr. President, Clark of INS. Is there anything you can
tell us about the success of the recent H-bomb dropped from
the Bd52%



THE PRESIDENT: Well, on that of course, there was a much
smaller bomb than some of the maximum ones that have been
exploded before, that the purpose for which the AEC dropped
it had been achieved, at least largely, That it is -- the
cloud from this explosion -- from which there was expected
a minimum of fall-out because of its nature and its height

-- at least the immediate fall-out -- the cloud drifted off
to the north. That is about all I remember at the moment.

Mr. President, --


Mr. President, Cato,

Reporter Magazine.

I ask this

question in connection with your physical cneck up, which

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