PRIVACY ACT MATERIAL REMOVED ORF? "Based upon our understanding of the radiological monitoring program conducted by DNA and the results they have obtained, we also believe it is highly unlikely that present medical condition has any relation to exposure of plutonium at JA. If, however, he believes there was some particular incident or situation that subjected him to a possible exposure, we would appreciate learning about it. In addition, we can arrange for an analysis of plutonium of his urine if it appears warranted -this would show if was internally contaminated. I hope this is helpful. Signature", DUN Fon Please let me know if we can be of further service. DRAET Oey Via 5 \Wleoao Ha Wem sc/saPA AV 240—~24S2_ ‘ 1 . : % ‘ £ t i peek ina9aint a 2 PIGET, 8 DPMTS é AL REMOVED PRIVACY ACT MATERI