I am wearing full length airforee coveralls

shorts underneath,

this time with T shirt and

No measuring devices given me.

Return to squadron

at Eniwetok,
" Exnosure #3,

About the 7th or th short in the series I was at Enivecok

working in my squadron.
Everyone on the {sland (a steleton crew) nose
. people removed aboard ships. We were all (about 50 men in our group only
visable) told co go down to avocw waters edge on the beach and lie face

‘down with our hands covering our collars up high and fatigue caps on light
and over our ears.

This shot we all felt the heat of the fire ball and

that fierca white light that makes everything look like a film negative

, and the air shock wave.

Eniwetok lagoon.

No after

-ffeets at this


This shot was across

I don't remember the distance and we all wore long pants

and shire fatigues plus T shirt and shorts. Only a few people had protective
I did not get a pair! No detection devices were given to anyone

either. . This was a 30 to 50 K atom bomb.

Exposure “4. On the very last shot I was ordered to go to AEC islan¢_in the
_Eniwetok atoll. It was abour 35 niles away from Enowetok Air 32s2 “This
‘shot Iwas about 80 miles from ground O with 2 20 to 30K atos bond. The
work area was a ccrrugated aluminum building. They all said no danger. At
shot time minus 1 minute everybody (scientists) scrambles outside the door
and dives for cover.

i am shocked and flaboergascted and go to tne door

to look, and everybody is crouched behind seme large obtect. Finally someone sees me sstanding in che open doorway and they yell “get the hell dowal™

It was a very cloudy aovercesc day where
At the sama t ime the suc goes off.
else they wouldn’: sixcot. and I guess
we were but

‘the weather orotecced we om thst day.


TI saw a bright orange bali for a few

late to ger under any cover,.folt the heat of 212

fire ball

and this ora really had san air shock wave that cracked like = good size charge

of dynenite and I fele my ears pop like riding in an airplens zlong with sy

body being pulled very quickly through a wringer because of the rapid undcer-

over pressure of the surface air.
of series back to states...

No 411 effects felt ac this tire.

Iwas stationed at Eniwetok-Bikini for five months.


After return to ZI

and being a young bachelor I discovered I was impotent for three seonths.

I was getting concerned now to go on sick call when the spell was broken
in Septecser 1954 on Labor day = great holiday for mes
Iam very noise

sensitive, flash bulb sensitive, extrenely mervous for a long tine after.
February 190 I gee married.
April 1961 I have a healthy, parfect nine pound baby girl.
No defects or

abnormalities at age two.

Divorced Decenber 1963 .

t+ wee

com ger ee

_ BOE ARCHivEs -

Have not seen since:

Select target paragraph3