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Upton, New York 11973
516) 345

Medical Department

© 1 6663577

June 25, 1979

William J. Stanley, Director
U.S. Department of Energy


Pacific Area Support Office
P.0. Box 29939


Dear Bill




I just returned from our last survey to the Marshalls and in

the process of sorting through five weeks of mail, found your letter

of June 11th concerning the RV Litkanur II registration, crew qualifica-

I was truly sorry to have missed you on the





In your letter of June 11th,your second paragraph, you note that

DOE does have “.. an excellent vessel for our current mission."


afraid, from the standpoint of the BNL medical team that we are unable
to support that opinion.
I understand the very grey area that the ship
falls into from the standpoint of official Coast Guard regulations concerning certification of crew.
I find it amazing in Commander Utara's

letter to you of 1 June 1979 regarding the crew of the Litkanur II that

Otterman, Coberly, Whitney, Goschen and Wrightman are listed as Able
Seaman and Conway and Ducket as ordinary seaman wipers.
As I understand it, and I would greatly appreciate it if you would correct me on
this, I believe that Keith Coberly has his Masters papers.
Is that not
I believe that it was the consensus of the group that met in
Germantown on March 29th that the contract vessel
comply with the

Occupational Health and Safety Guide as published by Brookhaven National

Laboratory under Marine Safety.

I'm enclosing a copy of the first 5 pages

, of that document to refresh your memory.

I thought that all members of

that discussion group had a copy.
On page 5 of that document under Responsibilities it states that the Department Chairman, in this case
Dr. Cronkite, is responsible for insuring implementation of this guide.

"Specifically they shall designate qualified and licensed Masters and a

Marine Supervisor.
I have discussed this matter with Dr. Cronkite and
he has agreed completely that whoever is in control of the BNL medical

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way out in May and on the way back in June.
I always look forward to
our visits.
I'm sure that Harry has filled you in on our two discussions
concerning the possibility of future logistic changes.
In addition, I
have just completed dictating the trip report for the last survey and
will get a copy off to you as soon as possible.

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Honolulu, Hawaii 96820

tion and related matters.



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