
general pattern is that noted above.
This species of rats is essentially herbivorous; they obtain their
food from the land plants, seeking out and eating the seeds of grasses,
sedges, sand burrs, and leaves of some of the succulent plants.
The plants upon which the rats feed concentrate 5r90 and Cs!37,
These radioisotopes account for approximately
radioactivity within

the organs of these

100 percent of the

animals except immediately

after shot,when additional short lived radioisotopes are also present.

During this time, 1!33, 1131 may be present in very high levels in the
By following the pattern of gross radioactivity it has been possible


the broad


in the

distribution of

materials in an atoll and its surrounding area.


There. remains much

that can profitably be done to amplify this study, but enough is now
known to point the need for increased

the distribution of specific isotopes.

attention to the task of following



can be learned about

selective absorption of elements by different organisms, and an unparalleled opportunity is presented to


the role of trace elements

in the marine environment.

In the remote atolls of the Marshall Islands important contributions
to biology have been made; the need now is to apply the mowledge,
techniques and skills to increasing the productive capacity of our freshwater areas.

There is every evidence that the rewards in increased

Select target paragraph3