
In short, within the invertebrates and their symbionts alone complete
biological cycles occur from land to sea and back again, from inorganic
substances to organic and back again.
The fishes of the waters in and about the Marshall Islands have received a major share of the attention in the study of the biological cycling
of radioactive materials(Applied Fisheries Laboratory, 1950; Donaldson

1956; Seymouret al.

1957 ; Welander, 1957 ; Lowman, Palumbo

and South, 1957; Welander, 1958 ).

Despite detailed study, the great

variety of fishes with a correspondingly great variation in feeding habit
make this a very difficult area in which to summarize results.
In general, the fishes may be divided by feeding habit into three
groups: the herbivores, omnivores and carnivores.

Since the herbivores

feed directly on the algae, the radioisotopes concentrated from the water
by the algae are passed on directly to the fish, and from the fish to

animal eating the fish.


The herbivores, represented by such fishes as the

surgeonfish and parrotfish, have the greatest amount of radioactivity of
the three major groups.
Omnivorous fish such as the damselfish have less contamination than
have the herbivorous fish, for they feed on more complex organisms.
The herbivorous and omnivorous fish tend to concentrate the same
isotopes found

inthe plankton except for

the radioisotopes which

taken up only in trace amounts by these animals.


Zn§95 usually accounts

for 50 per_cent or more of the total radioactivity in the organs of these
fish and Fe99-959

comprises a major part of the remaining activity.


Select target paragraph3