

U.5. Public Health service

<tudies of the biology, bacte-

riclegy, and chemical data an the Savannah River water with
the view to determining ita safety for human uses, and for
fish which may be used by human inhabitants of the area.
The P



£ Natural


Studies of the

ecology of the Savannah River at various Soints te assemble
data on the natural balance of life. Thia will make tt

possible to determine at any time in the future whether the
conditions in the river are being changed by the intreduction
of radioactivity, or chenical wastes.

The University of Georgia
Studies of the animals of land,
pond, and stream, especially the insects, birds, and mammals.


The University of South Caroling

Studies of the inhabitants

of land, pond, and stream, especially the plants, fish,
amphibia, and reptiles.

Industrial ‘ealth
Industrial, Hygiene Program (UNCLASSIFIED)
A specialized
training program in industrial hygiene has been inaugurated by
the Commission to meet the increased demand in this field,
Additional industrial hygienists are new required at several.
Commission installations, and the expansion program will create
an additional need.

The AEC-Industrial liygiene Fellowship Committee has initially
selected four candidates for academic training, and the caurse will
be of one-year duration beginning in the fall of 1952. Adminis—
tration of the program will be through the AEC Project, School of

Medicine and Dentistry, University of Rochester, Rochester, New York.
Industrial Health Conference (UNCLASSIFIED)
In conjunction with the 1952 Industrial Health Conference

recently held in Cincinnati, Ohio, the AEC sponsored an cpen mesting on Industrial Health in the atomic energy program. This was
the first time the AEC has met with this organization, composed
ef associations of industrial physicians, nurses, hygienists, and

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