Can we have a better cancer detection program?
It is surprising that a request should bé made for a better cancer detection


This part of the medical examinations of the Rongebap and Utirik pedple

is given the greatest emphasis.

Many tests for cancer are carried out at the time

of the visits to the islands and also on material brought to the U.S, for study.
Some of these tests include in addition to complete physical examination, x-rays
and examination of blood, urine and other body secretions, Some of the best
medical specialists in the U.S. and Japan have been envolved in the cancer
detection program, either participating in the surveys or examining material
and giving advice back in the U.S.

There is a continuous search for new tests

to be added, It is unfortunate that the people are not aware of the extensiveness of the medical program,
-We want the medical supplies for the dispensary brought from AEC on Kwajalein
ang brought in on the LCU,

If drugs are needed for the dispensary at Rongelap which cannot be furnished
by the Trust Terratory an attempt will be made to procure the drugs from the

Kwajalein dispensary and bring them in on the LCU,


in March the examinations disruot the whole village rhythm.
It is requested that
food for the whole island be furnished for the entire time of the stay of the
mecical team,

It is admitted that thére is suff'cient disruption of the village life

to affect food gathering and preperation during the examinations to warrant
some degree offood subsidization, It is therefore agreed that a reasonable
amount of food,be furnished the village for the period of the actual examinations. This is usually about 3 days, though the team may be on the island



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