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“eather Briefing at 0400, Eui7d Boy

1. The following personnel were preset for this briefing: Gensral
Zeylana, ajor General Clarizson, Dr. Graves, Srig. General McGinley, Brig.
General Estes, Dr. Ogle, Dr. Duane Sewell, ur. Reeves, Colonel. Cowart,

Captain Meynard end Lt. Colonel House.

2. The CURTISS winds aloft for midnight and 03000 were discussed is
view of the relationship to the shot site, the levels 7,000 fest through

12,000 feet being scrutinized the most (Incl a). The area forecast for
shot day is also inclosed (Incl »b).

It. Calonel House further discussed the radsafe situation after

which it was decided to go ahead with the shot as scheduled.

Staff teather Officer

seam +

2 Inels
a. CURTISS winds aloft
for OOOGH and 0300M
1 Mareh Sh
b. Area Forecast for
Shot Day

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