

28 February 1954

SUBJECT: 3+1,1100X Command Briefing

Persons present at the 5-1, 1LOOM Command Briefing were:
Major General Clarkson

Dr. Graves



Brigadier General McGinley
Rear Admiral Sruton
lr, Reeves
i>. Gibbons
Colonel Cowart
It. Colonel Earbour
Lt. Comnanier Ladden


che briefing wes conducted by:
It. Colonel Bonnot
Captain Meynerd, USH
Lt. Colonel House
2. The 270000Z February Teather Distribution Chart, with the 2703002
February streamline - superimposed thereon was used for the present situa-

tion briefing. The undersigned menticned the frontal system funnel jast
below tiake, the deep trough associated with it which was reflected through
all levels to 60,000 feet; the present high aloft to the east of Bikini

which was also remzining rather stationary. The undersigned further asptioned the easterly flow from the surface to 10,000 feet; the south ezsterly becoming southerly and south westerly below aloft associated with
this deep high east of Bikini. Next presented at the briefing was the

forecast for shot time:

3/8 cumlus bases 2,000 feet, top 5,000 feet:

3/8 cirrus 39,000 feet with widely scattered showers. The winis were

given as per the attached forecast (Incl 1). Mentioned tropopause as..

55,000 feet elso attached is the area forecast valid 260300K February to

010300M March (Incl 2).

‘The undersigned described the air particle tre=-



jectory forecast stating that all of fie trajectories were to the EE ex


3. Colonel House et this point continued witb the Radsafe portion


cept the 10,000 feet one and the 60,000 ones which were westerly.

of the briefing.

2 Incls
2. “ind forecast
bd. arez forecast

Dsl §


It Colonel, OSAP

saff weather Officer


Select target paragraph3