
The following conditions were chserved at cict tine at

Bikini (& consensus of shot tine observations taken by io weetser
officers and aerographers mates) aboard the USS CYPTISS:

U/8 ev

milus at 2,000 feet, tops 4,000, 1/5 altostratus (barely ¢i scers~

able) and 5/8 to 6/8 cirrus, thin.
Sea Level Fressure

1006.1 obs.

Dew Point

Surface Taind

Height of Tropopause


O74° 15K

54,350 ft (at ¢3)

A 5-36 over ground zero at enoroximately H rinus 20 cinutes se
ported scattered cumulus, scattered to brozen cirzus with bases
3&,000 to 39,000 feet end tops to 40,000 feet, and ne shorers.


The 282100M Feb wind observation from Pongerik which wes ~e

ceived on board the ZST&S wes garbled in transcission and was in
considerable error.

Jt did not agvee with the winds received

from Exiwetok and the CURTISS for that time, in that it shcwec
southwesterly flow from 10,000 feet; the correct observation in-

dicated light northwesterly flor, woich was in agreenem with
the other observations.


Local wezther conditions begen deteriorating shertiy after

the cetonaticn.

lLulticloud layers developed 2 ait “evels.


The winds alcft were forecast ~o be less desirable Stas a rate
fe consideration, end such was the case.

Such a situzzior


cemtinued throuch § Varch 1954 (See Hodogrerns under Tat

Select target paragraph3