(c) H+e2h Hrs:


3/8 cumilus bases 2200 cops 52K,

3/8 cirrus bases near 38,000 widely scattered sucwers.

Surface 70 degrees at 20 imots 10 thousand feet

at 1L imots = 20 thousand feet 230 degrees at 14 xnsts =
30 thousand 350 degrees at 14 imots = 35 thousand feet

260 degrees at 22 lmots - 40 thousam feat 25° decrees
at 24 knots = 45 thousand feet 240 degrees at 24 mots =

50 thousand feet 230 degrees at 14 imots - 55 thousanz
feet light and variable - 60 thousand feet 50 degrees
at 10 kmots = 70 thousand feet 70 degrees at 14 imots =

60 thousand feet 95 degrees at 12 xaots - 9 theusand
feet 100 degrees at 18 knots.
(d) B-13 Hrs:

(e) E-S Hrs:


Ko change in H-24 fcrecast.

No change.


2/8 cumlus bases 2000 tors 590,

2/8 stratocumlus beses 5000 tops 7000, 4/8 cirres bee
ses near 38,000 widely scattered showers, contreil

level 36,000 tropopause height 55,000 temerature of
, tropopause minus 78 degrees.


Surface 70 de

grees at 20 :mots - 5 thousand feet 75 degrees at if

knots - 10 thousand feet Light and variesle with &

westerly trend - li thousand feet 250 degrees at 26
xnots = 20 thousand feet 272 degrees at le uncts 25 thouseni feet 230 degrees at 20 Imsts = 32 thousand
feet 230 degrees et 25 degsrees = trirtr




feet 22D decrees at 36 imcts - LO thousand feet 20


Select target paragraph3