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maicing allowance for factors giving maximum values of time and intensity,

that personnel were not axposed to dosages mech higher than calenlated.
This is particularly true inasmich as Rongerik calculations were in good
agreement with observed film badge data on personnel there.



1. Medical evaluation of personnel exposed to the radiation from
fall-out in case of BRAVO depends to a great extent upon the accuracy with
which dosage can be computed. Based upon extrapolation of fall-out time
from Rongerik data where the fall-out time was precisely determined by
automatic recording instruments, it seams plausible to conclude, after



The essociation of symptoms with a given dosage may lead to er=

roneous conclnsions since such tabular relationships have been devised


only for whole body penetrating radiation given over a period cf a few

ginutes. It is now generally believed that the symtoms in those tabula
tions will appear with a «naller dose than indicated. These personnel may
develop signs ar symptoms out of proportion to what would have previously
been expected but could be sanewhat tempered by the relatively slow dose
rate characteristic of fall-out.

With respect to natives, due to the language difficulty, it was

extrenely doubtful that information obtained by questioning would be reliable.


We may draw certain conclusions, however, which seem to be sound

5. Considering the personnel involved in exposure to radiation thay
can be grouped according to location:

a. Bongerik
Twerty-eight Americans were exposed showing film badge readings ranging from 40 to 96 roentgens during a period of 28.5 to 35 hours.

They were evacuated to Kwajalein. It was not expected that any of these

men would develop any subjective symptoms. Ons admitted to feeling badly
until reassured after which he adritted that his feeling was probably
psychologiodl. First blood counts taken on D plus 1 showed a normal distribution. Generalized loss of hair which usually cecurs after 10 days
with sufficient dosage was not expected and has not occurred to date.
Levels of persomnel contamination were not exceedingly high and inaemeceh

as decontarination was performed on D plus 1, beta burns are unlikely.

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concerning immediate prognosis based upon the doses believed te have bee

Select target paragraph3