1 March 1954
ON en



Command Briefing, 0000, 1 March 1954

Mexnbers present:

Gen. P.W. Clarkson, Gen. &. UeGinley,

zene He Estes, Dr. A.C. Graves, Dr. W. Ogle, br. J. Reeves,

Dr. De. Sewell , Capt. W.L. Knickeroocker, Col. W.S. Cowart,

Capt. R. a. Naynird, Lt Col ¢c.D. Bonnot, Lt Col R.& House.

1. In generel, the forecast presented at the sidnight
briefings was confirmed, except that in the levels between 5
and 15 thousend feet tne forecast was light and variable.

an atterpt to celinesate direction to these winds, it was


determined that the best forecest that could be given was for
cue 10 thousand foot level. This was forecest to be westerly
&t 10 knots as the most pessisristic situation. Consequently
tne hodosreph plot vas made using the 10 thousend foot wester
wind in arder to present the most pessimistic situation which

would occur.

This picture gave resultant winds in the direction

of Rongelep end Rongerik, however, it was considered thet tue
@istence to Ronselap and Rengerik cocpared to the resultant

wind speeds were such that no fell~-out should reach those atolls.

From the forecast hodogreph the time of travel to Rongelap wruld
neve pean about 12 to 15 hours. The hodograph plot did however
atow that certainly TARE site would de heavily contarinated,
ena most likely N4N.
The hodogreph gave two general fall-out
areas. The lower level running from 260 degrees around through
south to 90 degrees with a six hour fall-out line in the directica

cf the populeted atolls in the southeast quadrent about 15 te

20 miles out froz ground zero. The high level radex ran froa
about 45 decrees to 80 degrees with a six hour fall-out line to
70 miles. (Since-the 6 hour fall-out lines were computed on abcuts
105 micron particle size, it was recommsnded that the distance
ne doubled for sefety. This acounted to considering particle
sizes dovn to about 70 microns).


NO change in the 72 hour cloud trejectories.


BddSafe Outlooks were xodified es follows:

Bikini atoll was changed from feverable to unfevcrable.


Eniwetok etoll recained very favcrebdle.


Ujelang etoll remeinec very favoreble.

Select target paragraph3