
DOD Dik 5200.10

The time indicator is not to be confused with

the established procedure for clearing shipments
into the port. The time indicator is a designator of relative priority. It is standing op~
erating procedure for ports of embarkation to
ship cargo in accordance with alphabetical se-

quence, i.e.


"L" before "M", "M" before "N",

The third part of the overseas address gives general
information concerning the shipment and consists of
the abbreviation of the shipping service and the class
of supply indicated by a Roman numeral.
Example: ORD TI in the overseas address FOGS-T-ORDII~SFU-LKI indicates Ordnance, Class II supplies.
The class of supply may be omitted on Air Force Shipments, Shipments be the Army Technical Services for
direct delivery to an overseas installation of the
Air Force will be marked with the abbreviations of
both the receiving and shipping service respectively.
Example: AACSSIG would indicate a shipment of signal corps supplies to Airways and Mr Communications


The fourth part is composed of not more than three
letters which is known as the "consignee combination"
which facilitates distribution at destination. Consignee combination for designating property of the
Air Force will be SFU. To further indicate programs
or projects, three letter symbols may be assigned.
Requests for assigned symbols should be made to this
Headquarters with complete identification of special
program or vrojects,


The fifth vart of a coded overseas address provides

the basic identification of supplies to correspond

to requisition and/or allied papers in ports of em-

barkation and overseas commands, It normally consists of requisition number or special symbol to
indicate special projects and/or island destinations.
c. A special marking that is mandatory for use in shipment
of supplies for utilization in this project is an appropriately colored
Wyn e


Shipments destined for units of TG 7.4 will be marked
with a maroon "X", It will be noted that other agencles and services will be receiving cargo at this destination and employ the use of their distinctive colored


The "X" will be four (4) inches in height and painted
directly above the overseas address where the size of

the container vermits. When small packages are prepared for shivment and size prohibits a four (4) inch
"X", as large a marking as is possible will be placed




pop DIR 5200.10

Select target paragraph3