
DOD DIR 5200.19

instructions for completing this Form:
Items TO&E:

Item: « T/A
Colum 13

Column 2 :

Indicate TO& unit is authorised And operating under; if
not operating under TORE, indicate none.

: Indicate T/h unit is autborized and operating under; if
not operating under T/A, indicate none.

Item No, Items will be numbered consecutively, 1,2,3,4,5, etc.

Double: space all entries and use separate forms for each class
of property requested,
Stock Number.

Class Code and Serial Number of item desired

will be entered in this colum.

If item has also been assigned

an AF number, as in the case of many Signal items, the AF stock
number will be indicated; current stock lists only will be

Nomenclature. Nomenclature will be brief as possible, utilising only the noun whenever possible; however, type designations

Column 3 3

should be indicated (Examples
Column 4 3:

Jacket, Flying type -- B15).

Unit of Issue.

“: Column 5 3’ Quantity Authorized by TO&E --T/A.

Quantities authorized by

TOSE and/or T/A will be indicated in this column, 1f not

authorised under TO& and/or T/A, leave blank.
Column 63

Quantity on Hand and serviceable.

Quantities of items on hand

and serviceable and available for movement to the forward area

will be indicated in this colum. It is emphasized that items
authorized by TO&E and/or T/A will be taken into consideration

and deducted from total over-all requirements. It is intended
that serviceable equipment in the hands of participating units
will be utilized in the performance of their mission at the
operational site.

Column 7 3%

Quantity required.

Quantities required to be obtained for the

unit participating in the operation will be indicated in this

Column 8 3 Remarks -- This column will indicate acceptable suitable substitute to be issued in case basic item requested is not available.

If a substitute cannot be utilized, it will be so indicated.

‘ This column will also indicate justification for'-Non-Stock

" listed: items.

When nonestock listed items aré required, come

plete justification therefor will be shown in this column.
- When non-stock listed items are requested it is necessary
. column indicate complete descriptive nomenclature and intended
use e

Note: In determining date required at port, a period of 45 days will be

considered normal shipping time to receive items at operational
site. Thus, if items are required at operational site on 15 August,

the “date required at port” will be 1 July.



Select target paragraph3