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Submit three (3) copies of requirements lists to

TG 7.4, Liaison Officer, SMAMA, who will initiate
requisitioning thru SMAMA for direct shipment to
AF 2272 SO.

(3) TG 7.4, Director of Msteriel, in reviewing requirements

lists submitted by units may reduce overall requirements for major items of equipment by directing joint
use of such items among participating units or elements.

(a) The provisions of USAF message, AFODC 56991, re-

quiring perticipating units to furnish unit equipment to the maximum extent must be observed.


Augmented recuirements for units presently based at

ENIWETOK will be obtained by the unit's direct request

on AF 2272 SO who will submit priority code #6 requisitions to TG 7.4, Liaison Officer, SMAMA, under au-

thority of this paragraph.

Exception to this sub-para-

graph will be field maintenance equipment requirements
which will be determined by TG 7.4, Director of Materiel,

and submitted in accordance with 2 b (1) above.


Fixed communications equipment requirements will be pre-

pared by AACS activities, forwarded thru AACS Headquarters
for engineering review in accordance with AFR 100-46, and
submitted to TG 7.4, Director of Materiel, for supply
action.. TG 7.4, Director of Materiel in conjunction with

TG 7.4, Communications Section, will screen the bill of

materials in accordance with paragraph 2 b (2) (c) above,
indicating and earmarking available items, then handcarry the bill of materials thru Director of Communications, Headquarters USAF, for approval in accordance

with paragraph 12, AFR 100-4€, to Rome Air Force Base,
New York, for Headquarters AMC supply review in accordance
with paragraph 9 e, AFR 100-46. Approved bill of materials will then be submitted direct to SMAMA for requisitioning action.


In the Operational Area:


Supplies and services furnished by TG 7.2 will be ob-

tained in accordance with directives issued by TG 7.2.

(2) In order to expedite the issue of Air Force supplies to
the using activities of TG 7.4, over-the-counter issues


of expendable property direct from AF 2272 SO warehouses
is authorized using AF Form 814, Daily Recap of Issues.
All eet supply procedures will be in accordance with



Stock replenishment requisition or emergency requests
will be submitted by AF 2272 SO to SMAMA, thru TG 7.4,

Idaison Officer, for supply action.

(See Attachment: c)

Transfer of property between respective service accountable officers will be in accordance with instructions
issued by JIF SEVEN.


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