he” 40

distance from the area,

Compromise could be effected

by the surreptitious "planting" of instruments by a
landing party and recovered in the same manner after
completion of the operation.


Failure of JTF SEVEN Personnel to Observe Security

Precautions: ailure of JIF SEVEN personnel to
observe security precauticns could easily compromise
the mission by their talking or writing indiscriminately about classified information during the
planning and operations] stages. A lapse in
communication security could also reveal vital
information, A lackadaisical attitude toward
personnel security regulations could ultimately
cause physical penetration within the Joint Task

b. It is also considered that interference with the mission
would be caused by the declaration or outbreak of war. In this
event the position and security of the mission could become untenable

and logistically impossible.

ec, It is considered that an unfriendly power having an
interest in the JTF SEVEN missior, would more probably manifest such
interest: in a covert manner by attempting personnel infiltration
or personnel corruption for espionage or sabotage purposes, or by
submarine observation for the purpose of obtaining information. It
is believed that information as to the operations of JTF SEVEN and
the results thereof would be of more practical value to an unfriendly
power than hindering or impeding the operation. wert action involving the use of force, an attack, or dire. t open observation from
a point well in the Danger Area woulld involve of consequence
out of proportion to the value of the results to be obtained from
such action.



The country having the greatest capability of

executing the above actions. its apparent ue
friendly attitude and ite interest in the atomic
program of the United itates is the SOVIET UNION.

Soviet military sapabilities in relation to operations

of JTF SEVEN are contained in Appendix 1 to this


a, ENIWETOK and BIKINI ATOLLS are a part of the Trust.
Territory of the Pacifis Islands. placed under the United States as
the administering authority by the Security Council of the United
Nations. They are, therefore, subject to the full powers of

administration, legislation and jurisdiction of the United Stateg.

The trusteeship agreement for the Trust Territory permits the United
States to close any of the areas for security reasons,


On 2 December 1947, by notification to the United Nations,

the U.S. cloged the area of the entire ENIWETOK ATOLL and the territorial waters adjacent theretc. On 2 April 1953 BIKINI ATOLL was
also closed by notification to the United Nations. Territorial

waters are defined as those within a thee (3) mile limit on the












Select target paragraph3