*Weight reported by Pritchard.
Dcalculated from density of Dungeness crab.
“Calculated fram censity of lobster tail.
Sealculated from density of Cherrystone clam muscle.

SAssumed the same as Clam Muscle.
F assumed the same as Marine crab.

from density of squid.

Myalue is for beef liver.

Assumed the sam.

Assumed the samme.

‘Assumed the same as chicken muscle.
Jyatue is for beef kidney.

Assumed the same.

Kassumed the same as chicken cgqs.

Value is mean for raw (393 G/can} and

scrambled (335 G/can).
Value is for raw Pandanus Jess fibrous strings.

Calculated from data

reported by Pritchard.

™alue is for roasted peanuts and cashews.

Assumed the same.

Mealculated from weights reported by Pritchard.

Boiled (255 Gican -

60 percent consumption).

Pouantity of coconut meat in marshallese cake.
reported by Pritcnard.

Calculated from data

S011 784

Cnssumed the same as water.

Select target paragraph3