concentrations subsequent to those cleanup efforts directed toward scrap
removal and soil removal from areas of highest transuranic soil

concentrations begun in 1977,
The purpose of this report, as a result of now having more data

available, is to refine the dose predictions for alternate living
patterns proposed for the resettlement of Enewetak Atoll.

For many reasons:the time frame for developing the assessment of
the alternate living patterns based on all of these new data were quite

Initial requests for the assessment by May 1979 were impossibdle

to meet because time to collect and analyze the samples and evaluate the
data exceeded the time allotted.

Extension to July 1979, made a new

assessment possible but required some compromises to meet the deadline.
For example,
uptake data

the programs to develop ‘better concentration and

in subsistence

foods were began on Enewetak Atoll

1975 and on, Bikini Atoll in August 1977.

in August

Samples from these projects

which involved planting and harvesting the subsistence food crops, have
only become available in the past year and a half,

and the data base for

each subsistence crop is not és complete as it will be within the next
year or two.

Studies of the marine environment and ground water have

been continuing since 1974,
The program to determine the concentration of \37e— and 205,

in the soil and the external gamma exposure was begun in February 1979,
at the conclusion of the cleanup activities at the atoll.
February 1979,

Starting in

soil samples were collected in a 50-m grid on all of the

northern islands at Enewetak Atoll.

However because of time and budget

restrictions, only samples on a 100-m grid were analyzed for 20s; and


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