Finney minimum variance unbiased estimator described by Aitcheson and

The Krige method using 4 minimum variance unbiased estimator

is optimal under the assumption of lognormal distribution (Aitchison and
Brown 34 p- 44).

The shift parameter, tT, is calculated using Krige's

quantile formula.??

The tT is involved in the log-transform as log

(x, -T), where X; are measurement values in pCi/gm and may be
negative and below the minimum detectable activity (MDA).



eter removes problems of taking logrithms of negative numbers and improves
the approximation to the lognormal probability density function.
computer algorithm calculates the first T.

Figure 8,


T = 0.6 pCi/cn,

exhibits an example where the left MDA concentrations are forced more
closely to a straight line than the same data with T = o (Fig. 7) using
the Krige method?? to adjust this parameter about the first approximation to maximize the r-test value.

The means and variances arc

calculated using the Finney fifteen term eapproximetion to 4 mininun
variance estimate (Aitchison and Brown, 24 Eq.


A visual inspec-

tion of each data set is done by a log-probability plot (examples on
Figs. 4 to 10).

For comparison,

using the quantile method.2*

the mean and variance was estimated

The minimus variance log-probability-line

was used to find the quantile values.

Numerical approximations to the

cumulative normai distribution used formulas 26.2.23 and 26.2.22 in
Abromowitz and Stegun's handboc::.49
the comparison of methods

Tables 45 through 47 illustrate

for 24) bry which have severa]

and 137¢5 at the same sample location.

For 24. an,

censored values,

the arithmetic

mean frequently underestimates the Krige method (average of 30 percent,

, underestimation range: 0 to -100 percent, 0-15 cm soils), but the

40 -



Select target paragraph3