The doses projected for these living patterns are based upon the
adult female diet which represents the maximum intake for adults.

es ay,





doses are also estimated for two cases from birth through 70 years for

Enjebi (Janet) Island only.
In the first scenario,

the individual is born within the first year

With four exceptions, all subsistence foods consumed during a lifetime
are assumed to come from Enjebi (Janet) only.

Exceptions are the Pandanus

Fruit, breadfruit, coconut meat, and coconut fluid.
y they are assumed to come from the southern islands.

For the first eight


too come from Enjebi (Janet) only.
In the second scenario, the individual is born eight years after

next 70 y.

and also resides there continuously for the

All subsistence foods consumed during thet lifetime are

assumed to originate from Enjebi (Janet) only.

This is consistent and in

keeping with our first scenario in which externa] sources of Pandanus
Fruit, breadfruit,

coconut meat,

and coconut

fluid were terminated at the

‘end of the eighth year.
Summarized in Table 26 are the dietary sources and corresponding
radionuclide concentration decay periods assumed in estimating the
ingestion doses from the two scenarios.

Ingestion dose from birth to. the

fourth year of life is based on the dietary intake of an average child in
the 0 to 4 year range.

In the first scenario, there is no decay

correction applied to the radionuclide concentrations at the time the
diet begins.


in the second scenario, an eight year decay

correction is applied to account for the eight year delay in the

individuals birth since return of the parents to Enjebi (Janet).

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of returm to Enjebi (Janet) and resides there continuously for 70 y.

returm to Enjebi (Janet),


Select target paragraph3