weights for canned or packaged foods were used.


In still others, like


“Me? 4

some marine foods, densities in grams/cc were computed and used for the







es Pe

Some assumptions were also made where a specific food item

was unavallable.


Tables 15 and 16 summarize the can conversion data we

developed for the subsistence and imported foods, respectively.

In each

table, the foods have been grouped under the major categories we will

eventually refer to in our dietary means.

We have included the results

reported by Pritchard, were appropriate; and have made liberal use of
footnotes to clarify the sources of data.

conversion data has some limitations.
“samples of all foods.
crabs, octopus,

In terms of accuracy, our can

First, we were not able to obtain

Second, our data for fish, shellfish, clams,

turtle, domestic meat, and wild birds is raw weight,

whereas, the majority of these foods are only consumed after some form of


we have assumed an


for raw and scrambled


Since Pritchard reports that bird eggs are “usually eaten scrambled,"
chicken eggs are not described, and turtle eggs are "usually eaten raw or

Fourth, pumpkin, and undoubtedly squash, is consumed cooked

rather than uncooked.

Fifth, there may be other foods that are consumed

in a form different than we reported.

Finally, the differences between

the LLL and Pritchard values for a specific food item could reflect
differences in food form (e.g., raw or cookec), can packing, or both.


be more precise in the can conversion data would require detailed
weighing of each food item in the form consumed by the Enewetak people.
The final

step in our procedure was analyses of the data with a

computer code specifically developed for that purpose.

For each specific

food item and major category identified, the mean intake, standard
deviation, high intake, low intake, and
sample (NO /N) were determined.



proportion of nonzeroes in the

Likewise for the total diet.

- 23 -





Select target paragraph3