A report of this type must of necessity involve the grataitous asaistanc:

’ of several, individuals cuteide the Technical Branch, J=3 of the Task Force

Headquarters, It is considered fitting and proper that individual contribue
tions to the effort be acknowledged as follows:
Or. Gaelen Felt

(J-Div, LASL & 76 721)

For the development and use during the CASTLE

Operation of a new technique of forecasting

longerange fall-out based on progresaive tine
and space changes in the wind pattern and for

the preparation of the diseusaion on this

method attached as Inclosure 2 to Tab D.
Dr. Thomas N. “hite

(H=Div, LASL & 1S 7.2)

For the development and use during the CASTLE

Operation of a new technique of forecasting

close-in fall-cut based on a mathematical distribution approach to the problem and for the
preparation of the discussion oa this method

attached as Inclosure 3 to Tab D,
LtCol Carlos D. Bormet


For the preparation of the weather summaries,

wind tabulations and forecast air particle

trajectories appearing in Tabe K through P, anc
for a considerable amount of proof-reading and

Capt Ruseel H. Maynard

For daily assistance and suggestions relative
to Radsafety operations during CASTLE, for the

post-ehot analysis of the BRAVO fall-out
pattern, for the preparation of the forecast
fall-out plots By elliptical approximaticn, an
for a considerable amount of proof-reading and

Col Clinton 9. lausia


Col Paul R, Mignall

For dally aseistance and suggestions relative

to the medical aspects of Radsgafety during

the CASTLE Operation and for the preparation o:
the discussion of medical aspects of BR.VO in
Tab K.
For suggestions on the development of the clou
tracking plan, fcr monitoring the clcud track-

ing efforts during the C.STLE Operstion and
for the discussions and analyses of these
efforts appearing in Tabe K through P.

Mr. Ae Brealin

Por frequent assistance and information relstive to the longerange CASTLE fall-out measure
ments made by the Health and Safety Laworatcry
New York Operations Office, A.

Select target paragraph3