background. This was considered necessary in the interest 2f saf-ty in that
the Radsafe Office could better evaluate the total dose rate to which the aim
craft trews were subjected,

In order to obtain true (4.e., net) realings, it

was 2 simple matter for the Radsafe OF“ICE to analyze a group of successive
reported readings and cetermine this infcrmtion by sbservaticn cf rite cf
decay cr increase,

Hcwever, in the interest of flexibility in the repcrting

procedure, a further provision was made for the aireraft crew t. indicate, as
necessary, the value they considered aircraft background.

(£) Sinee the original plan for cloud tracicing considered
the early warning value of the ground monitor stations of the New York Opera

tions Office, aEC (NYKOPO), the “off-scale" situation on RONGERIK fcr the
GRavO shot dictated the placement of higher range radiac instmments at
eritical locations.

«$s a consequence, roentgen-range instruments were placed

at all the outlying task force weather detachments (:(WURO, KUSAIE, PONAPE

and the temporary water-based facility at RONCERIK) to eusent the 100 ar/hr
NYKXOPO instruments,

In addition, the WsKE Island station, operated by the

Weather Bureau for NYKOPO, ws provided with e rcentgen-range instrument
and requested to make special reports to the task fcree if end when intensitie:

paseed through 10, 50, 100 and 500 or/hr.

alsc, the P2V squadron of T 7.3

based on KWAJALEIN was directed tc perform post-shot radsafe surveillance fcr
that atoll and report readings dircctly to the ‘ask fsrec headquarters.


was emphasized on C.STLE that ground nonitcr stiticns arc 2 vital part of any

successful cloud tracking plain, primerily because of the fact that aircraft
surveys can only iniicate the intensities seen by a raciac instrument in the

air at some particular altitude,

although certain extensions and analysis of

the totality of such aerial survey data can reughly indicate whether or act

Select target paragraph3