detailed searching,

As before, the capability for searching in acvance of

the cloud on Deday was maintained.


(d) WB-29 aircraft on routine weather reconnaissance missions

were instructed to report all sightings of surface shipping encountered,


such sightings (visual and radar) were relayed bo the radar center in the TG
7.3 fleet.

(e) P2V aircraft end destroyer security sweeps were planned
and ut4lized for the ENIWETOK-BIKINI Danger rea (i.e., the Danger .rea
originally established prior to C.3TLE for security purposes).


available from this source was channeled to the ‘radar center of the TG 7.3

“(t) Information from all the above sources was relayed to

the task foree headquarters for evaluation and consideration at the Weather/
Radsafe Command Briefings.

Consolidation of sll known shipping in the area

was maintained by the TG 7.3 headquarters eni summaries passed to the Radisafe

OFFICE of the task force headquarters pricr to command briefings,


sightings were passed to the task force headquarters and TC 7,3 jirect from
the search aircraft,

Information on diversions of other shipping in the area

was relayed to the task force headquarters by CINCPACFLT (through CCMHNAWSEAPRC

and COMNAVPORMARLANAS a8 appropriate).

4 caster plot of 41] shipping reportsc

was presented by the Radsafe Officer at command briefings for consideration

along with the manyother factors involved in a shot decision,

Except for the

one incident (a Japanese fishing vessel) on BE.VO, all shots were detonated
without significant effects on any shipping in the general area of the tests.
The case of the Japanese fishing vessel on ERAVO is covered in detail in
Inclosure 3 of Tabs H and K.

Its presence was undetacted primarily due to


Select target paragraph3