(a) The native atolls in the southeast quadrant, particularly
those in-the northern portion of the quadrant, were in a less favorable
position for high yields than previously supposed, the degree of favorability

dopending upon the yield, initial wind conditions, shot site (barge, land,

air) conditions, and the proximity of the air particle trajectories to a
west-east Line,

(b) Shot decisions should be reached only after consider~

ing the impact of an air particle trajectory analysis over a period of tine
and space sufficient for significant fall-out to occur.

Initially, C.STLE

planning factors in this regard were twenty-four hours amd 500 nautical miles
as the upper limits beyond which no significant hasard should exist,

‘for the

hasardous phase of fall-out, the significant portion considered was the RET
plot. (using ground sero winds) anc the forecast air particle trajectories for
the first twelve hours,

Subsequent to BRAVO the RiDEX was augmented by a new

technique developed to plot the fall-out pattern over a period of twenty-four
hours using the forecast air particle trajectory analysis revised progressivel

as the forecast cloud: segments moved cut of the vicinity of ground zero (See


tere ee

(ce) Of the contamination arriving ot the native atolls in
the southeast quadrant, some fell on the islands, whereas seme umtoubtedly
remained in the moving air mass passing cover the idiants,

This phencmens

appeared, from various observations, to be more persistent in time and space
for barge shots than for land shots,
(ad) Since the mean free path of gamma in air is something
on the order of 2,000 feet, an appreciable slice of the air mass is involved
in "shining" on the islends.

This contribution, estimated to account for

as mich as 50 percent of the dose rate experienced by the inhabitents during


Select target paragraph3