(2) Canduet liaison with HICOMTERPAGIS, Cad other military and
governmental agencies and civilian authorities as appropriate.
(3) Keep CINCPaC and CNO informed of the provisions for safety
to be taken in the Pacific.

(4) Exercise for CINCPAC all fimetions of movement control except
as otherwise specified.


In accordance with the JCS decisions, CJTF SEVEN advised CINCP«C

by lette>. ¢-3/'729.3, subject: Safety Measures During Operational Phase cf

CaSTLE, dated °1 December 1953 (Incl 4, Tab C), of special hasards involved
in the UsASTIE ‘ests and apprepriate precautions required to insure safety of
inhabited Aslands and units in the area within the purview of the Pacific

Commend oticr than JTP SEVEN,

CJTF SEVEN also furnished CINCP«C by letter,

J=3/30C.4, subject: Schedule of Messages Concerning Detonations During CASTLE,
ted 3 December 1953 (Incl 3,.Tab C), 8 schedule of message advisories con=
cerning C.STLE deteonations in crder that CINCP.C could te kept informed of

«although the schedule of advisories was originally set up for

CINCP..C as action addressee, a Later change (in accordance with 4.b above)
peww ded for CiNCPACFLT as action addressee with CINCP.C, COMHAWSE.FRON and

CUMM.WMARIANAS as information addressees,

In addition to the above, an

exchange of correspendence between CJTF SEVEN and CINCPACFLT discussed in
considerable detail the specific feathres of the task .orce plan for mutual

discharge of JTF SEVEN/CINCPAC responsibilities under the JCS directive.
Since the above correspomdenca contains the basic thoughts behind the overall
cfr=site Radeafe Plan, the letters and wires involved have been attached in
Tab C for record purposes.



In general, the radsafe off-site eperations were carried eut as

Select target paragraph3