to expose these people to about one-half the authorized 2Or, reserving the
remainder as a contingency against radiation accidents.


(3) The Task Porce Commander was authorized te revise the MPE

by waiver ir individually designated cases when circumstances indicated the
nitd end justtiication therefor.

This waiver provision applied only te the

MCE -£ 3,S7 ex did not apply to the special MPE of 20r for the air sampling

crew menzacr (Ted B),


4s stated above, the CASTLE Radsafe Plan was designed to meet

the ‘equiramcacs of the Rule dose as modified by agreements with the authori-

ties -n thu Si1d,

However, due to the special nature of field tests such

as Creracioa CASTLE, it was assumed that a policy of strict adherence to
the vadto.zgisal standards prescribed for routino lacoratory or industrial

usu «ag net realistic,

‘The intent in the CASTLE ricn was to strive for a

roas2aab.e smi safe compremise considering conservat‘.oa of personnel exposures
tas anteruationel import cf tas tests and the cost axpo.ts of delays charge~

asle ~o excessiva radiolegical precautions.

[In an effort to set up practical

er riards. -né still insure legal strength in the task force command poaitian,.
the ‘ntcn’. and spirit of the standards were interpreted in terms of “real
s.fety' vorsue ‘rule safoty“.

At no times, however, were receaomendations madc

armLring a "tongueein-cheesx” epproach to real bodily sefety of personnel,
Rather thu offort established criteria and evaluation for waiver ef MPE to
rtZlest wascnable conservatism in"rmule safety”, i.e., radiation exposure of
‘ndsvicus within the intent u.d spirit of tha p>ascribed rules which were

-f primary concern to the AEC and DOD, and still bo consistent with the need
fer complutiur. of the CASTLE miseion.

The one exception to the above philose


opny was the specification of the tactical dose as a. guide to be used in tncs

Select target paragraph3